Deploy Kubernetes in an Existing AWS VPC with Kops and Terraform
Kops is a relatively new tool that can be used to deploy production-ready Kubernetes clusters on AWS. It has the ability to create a highly-available cluster spanning multiple availability zones and supports a private networking topology. By default, Kops will create all of the required resources on AWS for you — the EC2 instances, the VPC and subnets, the required DNS entries in Route53, the load balancers for exposing the Kubernetes API, and all of the other necessary infrastructure components. For organizations that use Terraform, Kops can instead be used to generate a Terraform configuration for all of the aforementioned AWS resources. This will allow them to use the familiar terraform plan and terraform apply workflow to build and update their Kubernetes infrastructure. The Terraform configuration that Kops generates will include new VPC, subnet, and route resources. But what if you want to use Kops to generate a Terraform configuration for a Kubernetes cluster in an existing VPC? In this post, I will walk through the process to achieve this. …
Terraform State Move - Refactoring Terraform Against Existing Infrastructure
Have you ever wanted to refactor a Terraform configuration against an already existing infrastructure? In the past, modifying the Terraform state required manually editing a potentially large and confusing JSON file. Recent versions of Terraform make it possible to manipulate a Terraform state file using supported CLI commands. With this new capability, it is significantly easier to refactor an existing Terraform configuration into modules without affecting the underlying infrastructure in any way. If you are importing existing cloud infrastructure into Terraform, you will also likely be using the terraform state * commands to build a modular configuration. …
Building a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS
The excellent Kubernetes documentation includes a guide that covers how to build and run a Kubernetes cluster on AWS with the kube-up script. However, when it comes to customizing that install, the details are a little sparse. In this post, I am going to go over just one way you can customize the cluster. Hopefully, this will provide a little more transparency about what is going on under the hood and give you a little more control over how your cluster is built.…
AWS CloudFormation vs Terraform
I am a firm believer in the benefits of programmable and repeatable infrastructure for organizations of all sizes. There are a wide range of tools that are available to help you along this path but I just want to touch on two of them today: CloudFormation and Terraform. …